Thursday, April 29, 2010



wheeeew! so stoked to finally have a website. it's been FAR too long. :) and wordpress is seriosuly legit! no offense blogspot, but i'm so in love with wordpress that i'm even considering switching over... haha.

anyway. you should check out the site! and subscribe. just to keep up with all our happenings and what not. :)

aside from that, i have a busy day ahead of me! with nonstop activities from 4pm-10:30pm STRAIGHT. aye! should be fun though. just gotta get prepared for it!

better hop to it. have a great day errbodyy<3


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

shopping. is so bad.

i want e-v-er-y-thanggg. eesh!

man, just to give example of a few. i really should stop looking. it makes me quite anxious. haha. seems like white's a common theme for me! 
anyways, i really should be going to sleep. this is terrible! 

nighty night ♥

Monday, April 26, 2010

brook lopez, you ain't gon' get me down.

can i just say. first of all, i'm a pretty starstruck person, who gets very awkward & intense when i see people of fame.

but saturday, i was just shocked. here we are, 11 innocent (and cute, i might add) asian folks standing in line for captain E.O. at disneyland, happened to be in line in front of mr. brook lopez. for those of you who don't know him, he plays for the NJ Nets, one of the worst teams in the NBA (we figured that's why he was at dland and not playing ball). anyway--now, maybe we started whispering a bit louder than we should've, but HEY, the guy's in the NBA. he's MASSIVE. He should be used to it!

anyway, before we know it, we're harshly called out by him, asking us who we're talking about, and what we're doing with "that" (that, being my camera). in his high pitched voice, he decides it was the best idea to nearly yell at us, BEFORE we even ask him for anything. and might i add, that this was entirely unprovoked, and truly frightening. imagine me, a 5 foot 1 girl, holding her camera, being ferociously called out by the behemoth of a man, asking me what i was doing with "that"? now usually i would be the type of person to say something, but we were all literally too shocked to even respond.

long story short, for those of you who once were, or are fans of this dude, he ain't that nice! next time you see this giant man walking around, don't bother trying to be a fan. he won't have it.

but aside from that, like i said in the title, he ain't gon get me down! we had an AMAZING time at dland, and i'm nostalgic about it already! p.s., if you're wondering why the 'O' for the picture, it's because O is for Ohana. and that's what we are♥ haha. but yeah, just had a great weekend with everyone. can we just repeat already?

OH WAIT. repeat-ish this weekend. CHEE! spring retreat right round the corner. can't waittt. (:

until then, time for work! aye!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

spring retreat.

one last thought before i let my head hit the pillow.

i am freaking STOKED outta my undies bout SPRING RETREAT! every time i look at the roster, the schedule, the planning... i just get essited. (:

i love my epic ohana, and i love it even more when we get to spend A WHOLE WEEKEND with our slo brothers & sisters. mmm it is going to be amazing.

because god is so good. ♥♥♥
kk the end, my slumber awaits!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

in great need.

i don't know how i'm gunna make it through today. got 2 works, dance practice & an entire message to write from start to finish.

i'm speaking tomorrow for my last time at epic tomorrow. and to be honest, i'm not feeling too confident about it. the last time i spoke, it might've been one of the most discouraging experiences for me. and initially i was feeling pretty fearful of speaking again, but now i'm realizing that i'm past that...and moving into panic.

i'm drawing a BLANK. i think i know what i want to talk about, but i have yet to start it. i literally have nothing.

ironic that this week's topic is really going to have a lot to do with my emotional roller coaster of writing this message. GOD IS TRULY GOING TO HAVE TO CARRY ME THROUGH THIS ONE. dependency in its fullest is about to go down.

please pray for me. i'm really trying to keep my cool.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

oh yes!

"but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." -isaiah 40:31

today is a new day. and it's going to be a good one. PRAISE YOU, GOD.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


this video has got to be one of the FUNNIEST i've seen in a long while. hands down.

can't get enough! the truth is just too much. haha. you'll know what i mean once you watch this bomb-ace video. (:


Monday, April 12, 2010

god never ceases to amaze me. i randomly chose a verse and this is what i got: "blessed be the lord! for he has heard the voice of my pleas for mercy. the lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and i am helped;"

how comforting it is to know that God knows. that i can trust in Him. how amazing it is that He is my strength and my shield. and how utterly ironic it is that i pulled this verse. on this night.

just something to contemplate; goodnight.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


you never cease to amaze me. haha.

through it all, ucsb still finds a way to party hardy, get around any and all restrictions, and above all else, OUT DO ITSELF in any given opportunity.

this weekend marked isla vista's annual "floatopia". a weekend where typically everyone goes out to the beach with their floaties & inflatable devices, to get completely inebriated while basking the sun scantily clad, and apparently having the time of their lives. in the past 4 years that i have been attending this school, only 1 floatopia topped the charts--floatopia 2009. although i have never attended myself, i recall the first two years being very gloomy, and last year was apparently amazing. however, due to the increase of out of towners, the excessive drinking & irresponsibility, the isla vista beaches were completely TRASHED. ph levels were even altered as a result of the incredible amount of pee that entered the ocean! AYE, people.

anyway, as a prevention from last year, santa barbara law enforcement prohibited any entry to the beach, & thus the true isla vista spirit came out. instead, out of towners, locals and more made their way out into the streets, dancing & frolicking around nearly naked up and down the streets of i.v.  although i was thrilled that sb's law enforcement decided to protect the beach, it was quite a sight to see from right outside my bedroom window.

eunice and i managed to make our way out into the sea of sunkissed people & here's a picture i snapped:
pretty crazy, ey? haha. that's what i thought. and this picture is pretty PG! ha, we even saw a guy in a sort of one-piece contraption that resembled that of borat's. and lemme just say-i am SO GLAD i did not get a picture of that! (although eunice did, HAHA). 

so moral of the story? isla vista-ians, REALLY are that crazy. ohhh "floatopia". haha.

juss a lil bit.


feels like this quarter is already passing me by. i have so many responsibilities, so many jobs/internships, clubs, and just THINGS i would like to do before i leave this state.

sometimes i sit and wonder what it'd be like for one day to just throw all my responsibilities out the window. how glorious would that be?

only in my dreams...haha.

well, here's to another early morning wake up. gnight.

..oops. somehow this didn't get posted last night!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

ai ya.

ohhh the double standards of life. not a fan.

but learning to humble myself, has been the true challenge. "you, my brothers, were called to be free. but do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love." -galatians 5:13.

i am a woman of expression. i wear my thoughts, feeling & emotions boldly on my sleeve. not so much this time. there is so much more. so much more that does not meet the eye. but i'm okay with that. God will just have to continue walking me through this. sometimes i wish i could just say something though.

the beach will sooth my heart; praise God♥

Monday, April 5, 2010

oh how i missed you.

my sweet sweet honus! got reunited at seaworld withum.
let's just say, this was one of the many highlights of the trip :)

OH! and our bucketlist. i've been thinking a lot about it lately. my house and i made a bucketlist to accomplish before we all leave this year :) we have 2 months to complete it!

Of the things on the list, I'd really like to go kayaking, go on another fellowship of the rings hike (HAHA), beach it like there's no tomorrow, make our groundbreaking music video, and have a BBQ! all very do-able things. now we just gotta make time to do them. haha. i'll keep you updated?

anyhoo, just felt the need to update a bit. more to come! now time for sleeep<3

aloha auinapo.