Sunday, April 11, 2010


you never cease to amaze me. haha.

through it all, ucsb still finds a way to party hardy, get around any and all restrictions, and above all else, OUT DO ITSELF in any given opportunity.

this weekend marked isla vista's annual "floatopia". a weekend where typically everyone goes out to the beach with their floaties & inflatable devices, to get completely inebriated while basking the sun scantily clad, and apparently having the time of their lives. in the past 4 years that i have been attending this school, only 1 floatopia topped the charts--floatopia 2009. although i have never attended myself, i recall the first two years being very gloomy, and last year was apparently amazing. however, due to the increase of out of towners, the excessive drinking & irresponsibility, the isla vista beaches were completely TRASHED. ph levels were even altered as a result of the incredible amount of pee that entered the ocean! AYE, people.

anyway, as a prevention from last year, santa barbara law enforcement prohibited any entry to the beach, & thus the true isla vista spirit came out. instead, out of towners, locals and more made their way out into the streets, dancing & frolicking around nearly naked up and down the streets of i.v.  although i was thrilled that sb's law enforcement decided to protect the beach, it was quite a sight to see from right outside my bedroom window.

eunice and i managed to make our way out into the sea of sunkissed people & here's a picture i snapped:
pretty crazy, ey? haha. that's what i thought. and this picture is pretty PG! ha, we even saw a guy in a sort of one-piece contraption that resembled that of borat's. and lemme just say-i am SO GLAD i did not get a picture of that! (although eunice did, HAHA). 

so moral of the story? isla vista-ians, REALLY are that crazy. ohhh "floatopia". haha.

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