Friday, July 2, 2010

i am smiling.

oh, how he loves us so. oh, how he loves us. how he loves us soo ♥

the picture above just depicts the serenity and joy that i am now currently experiencing in my heart. today was the day where understanding really started to set in. today was the day that i could finally see through the clouds. today was the day where i could just be me.

today was a good day.

...i know i said i'd continue on with my "who am i?" series, but i feel like i just need to PRAISE GOD with this entry.

lately i've been walking through some pretty tough ish, but today God just relieved me from that pain.

Instead of my usual University of Hawai`i campus outreach time, today i got to go with about 7 other students towards the leeward side of the island to pray over Leeward Community College. goshhh it was a beautiful day! and i was especially stoked that i got to spend it with a completely different group than i was used to. i'd say we had some great bonding time today (:

anyway, we paired off and set out to walk around the campus and pray for it at the same time. and during that time, God reminded me that he truly does answer prayers. we began praying for the campus, and more specifically even a conversation with someone to gain some insight to the school. now this was somewhat of a big request, as the campus was ghostly. there was no one to be found! in fact i didn't even think that summer school was in session. haha. anyway, daniel and i walk into the cafeteria & lo and behold, 3 local guys were chillin at a table together. daniel ended up initiating a conversation with them, and before you know it, daniel and i had joined them at their table, and were able to talk to them for their remainder of their break time (: it was just a sweet sweet time to just connect and know that God completely provided this conversation for us. it was especially uplifting for me, because i have been struggling with meeting people over the past week and a half.

so after an amazing time on campus, we journeyed on to poke stop. OM NOM NOM! wow, so good. i love poke. and this place was gooood. haha. i highly recommend it to any of you out here on the island! anyway, after that we ventured on to Nich's favorite beach: Nanakuli (or nanakooli, for you, koho. HAHA) i'm starting to think it might be my new favorite beach too! i'd never been there before, and boy was it beaautifulll. i want to go back already! it was just an awesome time that we got to spend together and bond while praying over the campus. it was my sweet escape♥

and to top it off, i ended up going to Chi Alpha's weekly meeting with Grace, Mark, Sarah & Kentaro. the speaker for the night, Eric, truly spoke to my heart. ohhh gosh. it was just one of those talks where God completely took over and spoke such crazy truth through him. i was taken aback, engrossed in, and utterly captivated by his talk.

it was exactly what i needed to hear.

to sum it up, Eric broke it down into 4 types of "ships" that are integral to our growth and effectiveness as both Christians and campus evangelizers.
  • ownership
  • worship
  • discipleship
  • stewardship
now i'm not going to go into detail about it for sake of time, but let's just say it ROCKED MY WORLD. i really needed to check back into being kingdom minded, and kingdom driven. i am so humbled. and god is so good.

kk, moi moi time (: have a good night errbody! ps, check out the new video i posted on FB, you'll be literally ROFL-ing. hahahaha.

aloha nui loa, nickkayyy!


  1. I love how God is working in you.

  2. thank you kenneth, i appreciate all the love & prayers!

  3. Watched the video with the cockroach. It was hilarious! Growing up in Hawaii, I used my slipper to smack the cockroaches-easier than squishing it with a kleenex.

