Wednesday, August 12, 2009

4 days left in hawaii nei...

i am seriously getting EMO times 934829438 about leaving.

everyday i think about it. and all the people i will miss, the places, the activities, the FUN. and the way of life.

i've never felt more comfortable in a place. i feel so at home. haha i have a feeling i'm going to be "homesick" for hawaii when i get back..

anyways. i still have a few more things i want to get accomplished before i go! godwilling.

1. WESTSIDE sunset. might be my number 1 thing i want to do. still have NOT ventured out to the land of mokes! haha. any takers?
2. international marketplace! i still am on the hunt for some cute & cheap earrings. and not to mention some goodies i'd like to bring back. (:
3. clubbing? this is just a "it would be nice if i could" but...totally not needed.
4.ward centre. oneee more time. haha got a few things to pick up, brah.
5. maunawilli..buttt given the current tropical storm status, i'm thinkin that idea is just a bit too dangerous for me. i guess it'll have to wait for the next time i return!
6. most importantly, i want to see everyone one last time before i go. you all have made such an impact on my life... i don't know how i'm going to handle the time and distance. sad panda.

but yeah. time to do homework. just a few random thoughts. peace yo!

1 comment:

  1. hahah glad you ventured out to my side, the "land of mokes" hahaha. not too shabby ah? actually, yes, very shabby but still nice. you guys shoulda came maunawili with us! becca said you guys had school (we went wednesday mid downpour) bummaas you guys leavin already =( but ill see you up in cali ya? gaaaarenteeee caz, shoots
